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Pool & Dart Leagues

Dickinson Pool Leagues
Triangle Rack with Balls


Monday - Dickinson Pool

This league is a great way for people just getting into pool or trying to stay on top of their game. This league is a handicapped league played with a four-person team in a sixteen-game format, all 8-ball. This league is a traveling league between the bars in Dickinson and South Heart. League night is Mondays starting at 7:30 pm. League cost is $8.00 a night per player plus quarters. Players can also qualify for an end of season league tournament. This league is North Dakota Tournament Association sanctioned. The sign-up meeting will be in early September. Call Badlands Music for more information. League runs from end of September-April based on the number of teams signed up

Thursday - Dickinson Pool

This league is a great way for people just getting into pool or trying to stay on top of their game. This league is played with a four-person team in a sixteen-game format, all 8-ball. This league is a traveling league between the bars in Dickinson and South Heart. League night is Mondays starting at 7:30 pm. League cost is $8.00 a night per player plus quarters. Players can also qualify for an end of season league tournament. This league is North Dakota Tournament Association sanctioned, as well as VNEA. The sign-up meeting will be in early September. Call Badlands Music for more information. League runs from end of September-April based on the number of teams signed up.

Miller Lite Rd 2 B

Thursday - Dickinson Pool
Monday - Dickinson Pool
Dartboard Bullseye


Dickinson Dart Leagues

Tuesday - Dickinson 01 League
Twisted Tea - White Claw - Keystone

This is a traveling league for bars where the players will travel to different bars, depending on the week, in Dickinson. This is primarily a 01 dart league with a few games of cricket played a night. Teams will be made up of four players and put in divisions based upon team averages. All divisions have a handicapping system to level the scores based on players’ averages. The cost will be $10/player/night with trophies going to team with most wins at the end of the year. Players have a chance to qualify for both the state tournaments hosted by the North Dakota Tournament Association, as well as the National Dart Associations dart tournaments.

A sign-up meeting will be held in early September. The season runs from end of September - April (based on number of teams signed up). Please call the office at 701-483-7665 for more information.

Tuesday - Dickinson 01 League
Wednesday - Summer Doubles League

Thursday - Dickinson Cricket League
Coors Light - Miller Lite - Grain Belt

This is a traveling league for bars where the players will travel to different bars, depending on the week, in Dickinson. This is primarily cricket dart league with a few games of 01 played a night. Teams will be made up of four players and put in divisions based upon team averages. All divisions have a handicapping system to level the scores based on players’ averages. The cost will be $10/player/night with trophies going to team with most wins at the end of the year. Players have a chance to qualify for both the state tournaments hosted by the North Dakota Tournament Association, as well as the National Dart Associations dart tournaments.

A sign-up meeting will be held in early September. The season runs from end of September - April (based on number of teams signed up). Please call the office at 701-483-7665 for more information.

Thursday - Dickinson Cricket League

Monday - Eagles Jr.
Dickinson 18 and Younger

The Eagles club hosts a Jr Dart League, players are 2nd grade up to 18 and play on Monday nights of structured league, against other youth. Teams of two will play cricket, as well as 01 games. The season runs from March-May. For info on sign-up, please contact the office at 701-483-7665.

Monday - Eagles Jr.
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